Leadership That Delivers Results for Our Tulane Community
After four successful university elections, I can safely say I know my leadership abilities and my devotion to the student body. I am passionate and eager to lead my peers toward a sustainable, equitable and inclusive Tulane as President of the Undergraduate Student Government. While serving as Vice President for Finance, I’ve learned how the USG operates behind the scenes and I have concrete relationships with faculty advisors that will guide me along the way.
I fundamentally believe in the importance of inclusivity and have actively pursued avenues on campus that promote this belief through participating in the #blacklivesmatter rally, becoming OneWave cerified, serving as the president of Women in Business and tutoring at a local charter school to support education in our community. I cannot speak for all students on this campus but what I can do, and will do, is provide a transparent and open space where they will be heard. The “seat at the table” will never be empty in regards to the student body and I promise to devote myself to making sure every student feels that thhe student government supports them.